Attending an in-person company event is a fantastic opportunity to expand your network and build meaningful connections with colleagues from across the organization that you may not usually work with. Whether you’re a seasoned employee or a newcomer, engaging with new faces can build the SHC community and introduce you to new colleagues that may be handy to know. Here are some tips to help you create lasting connections with your colleagues at the event.
1. Introduce Yourself
First impressions matter and being approachable is key to initiating conversations. Remember that there are a lot of strangers here, and people may not recognize you outside of the computer screen. Wear your name tag and don’t be afraid to find strangers during meals to make new friends.
2. Share Your Story
Your nametag will help people know your name, but sharing where you sit in the company and your journey to get there can help others get to know you.
3. Be Curious and Willing to Share
You never know who you’ll meet at Champions Circle. We always hear about great connections where recruiters finally meet a CSM face-to-face and develop a plan, recruiters from different divisions share strategy, or someone meets the business partner that’s been helping from behind the help desk. Don’t be afraid to share ideas and listen to what others are doing.
4. Be Authentic
Authenticity is key to building genuine connections. Be yourself, and don’t feel pressured to put on a persona. Authentic interactions are more likely to lead to meaningful relationships and lasting professional friendships. The great news about the SHC team is that no matter who you meet at Champions Circle, they’re on your team.
5. Remember, It’s Still a Work Event
It’s worth mentioning that while Champions Circle is a more relaxed atmosphere, it’s still an extension of our workplace community. With drinking, dancing, and letting our hair down, we want to have fun but keep it work friendly.